
The first and only licensed ready-to-use three-chamber bag parenteral nutrition (PN) solution specifically designed for pediatric patients.  

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Headline numeta Germany

When oral or enteral nutrition is not possible, insufficient or contraindicated, Numeta provides neonatal and pediatric patients specifically formulated nutritional support that could help reduce postnatal growth deficits and improve long-term growth outcomes.1-4  Numeta PN bags are the first and only ready-to-use three-chamber bag (3CB) solutions for preterm neonates (Numeta G13), term infants and children up to 2 years (Numeta G16), and children older than 2 years through adolescence (Numeta G19).1-3  They are designed to give the flexibility of administering PN with or without lipids and the ability to add micronutrients, supplements, and medications as needed.1-3  Numeta may help reduce the risk of compounding errors, bloodstream infections, and medication errors that are seen with compounded PN.4-5  

See full prescribing information for Numeta G13E
See full prescribing information for Numeta G16E
See full prescribing information for Numeta G19E

Parenteral Nutrition is a complicated, yet critical, therapy for many preterm infants and pediatric patients

Poor nutrition in preterm infants and critically ill children is associated with higher mortality and can be detrimental for long-term growth.6, 7 For patients who cannot receive adequate nutrition orally or enterally, PN can be lifesaving.7 Because of its complexity, PN is classified as a “high-alert” medication with an increased risk of causing significant patient harm if provided incorrectly.8   

Current international guidelines recommend the use of standardized PN solutions in the majority of pediatric and newborn patients that require PN therapy.9 Standardized PN solutions help align nutritional intakes with guideline recommendations, helping to improve weight gain and avoid nutritional deficits.9 Commercial production of standard PN bags can assure better pharmaceutical control and better aseptic manufacturing conditions than the average hospital pharmacy.9 In an observational study to asses accuracy in compounding IV admixtures, commercially produced ready-to-use PN achieved an error rate <1%.10

Error rate by type of compounded products10

graphic 1
Adapted from Flynn EA et al. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 1997 Apr 15;54(8):904-12.

Innovative nutritional therapy that meets the needs of your neonatal and pediatric patients

Heart and a hand


Aligns with ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN guidelines and supports growth and development in neonatal and pediatric patients.9



Industrially prepared, helping to lower the risk of medication errors and infections associated with custom compounding.9



Available for immediate nutritional support, with stability to store at

room temperature for 18 months (Numeta G13/G16) and 24 months (Numeta G19).1-3

Numeta supports improved growth outcomes12

A retrospective study found that Numeta G13 was associated with improved nutrient intakes and postnatal growth in very low-birthweight (VLBW) infants.12 The use of Numeta G13 as a concentrated PN regime for VLBW infants showed improved weight and length gain during the first weeks of life with a persistent difference at 36 weeks post-menstrual age compared to infants given a pharmacy-prepared PN.12 A separate study in VLBW infants showed that Numeta G13 was associated with improved protein intake and found a higher and faster likelihood of achieving protein target.13

Adapted from Späth C, et al. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2020;44:327-336.
Changes in weight standard deviation scores (SDS) on postnatal days 1 to 28 in infants who received either original (dark blue) or concentrated
parenteral nutrition (light blue), relative to birth weight as baseline (Original PN group: n=71 to 74 at different time points due to infant death;
Concentrated PN group: n=44). Values are expressed as 95% confidence intervals for mean of change.
  *P-value < 0,01
**P-value < 0,00112

Numeta may help reduce hospital resource use and cost

According to a cost-consequences analysis, the increased use of ready-to-use 3CBs is associated with a decrease in adverse events and reduction in hospital labor, which can provide substantial resource and cost savings to the institution.5 These resources can be used to optimize hospital care in other areas. Across seven countries, there was an average of 2.9% savings to hospital budgets.5

Numeta provides a unique composition for delivering optimal nutrition


Women in hospital with PN bags

Benefits of all-in-one PN bags

Pediatric PN is typically made up of approximately 50 components, presenting ample opportunity for compounding errors and contamination.14 At the bedside, providing lipids via Y-line introduces the risk of infusing at the rate intended for the aqueous PN solution.15

Using an industrially produced, all-in-one PN solution, like Numeta, ensures the patient receives guideline-recommended nutrition, including essential and semi-essential amino acids and essential fatty acids.16,17 If there is clinical reason to withhold lipids or use a different lipid emulsion, Numeta provides the flexibility to infuse only the aqueous solution.

Clinoleic bag

ClinOleic composite lipid emulsion (80% olive oil / 20% soybean oil)

The ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN guidelines on Pediatric PN recommend intravenous lipid emulsions should be an integral part of PN.18 Specifically, composite lipids, with or without fish oil, should be used rather than pure soybean oil lipids since composite lipids provide more balanced nutrition.18Numeta contains ClinOleic, an olive-based lipid emulsion formulated to meet the high energy needs of neonatal and pediatric patients. ClinOleic has been shown to be well-tolerated and may preserve immune function.19,20,24 Unlike lipid emulsions that contain fish oil, ClinOleic does not contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which has been linked to reduced arachidonic acid (ARA) levels.21  

Mom and baby

Extensive compatibility data improves safety and flexibility

Baxter has conducted extensive compatibility testing for each Numeta formulation. The testing includes vitamins, trace elements, electrolytes, macronutrients, and medications, and was conducted both with and without the lipid chamber activated. See compatibility guides  

Numeta portfolio of solutions

Small baby on mother

Numeta G13

Numeta G13 is indicated for parenteral nutrition in preterm newborn infants when oral or enteral nutrition is not possible, insufficient or contraindicated.1

Girl and baby

Numeta G16

Numeta G16 is indicated for parenteral nutrition in term newborn infants and children up to 2 years when oral or enteral nutrition is not possible, insufficient or contraindicated.2

Boy playing

Numeta G19

Numeta G19 is indicated for parenteral nutrition in children older than 2 years and adolescents 16-18 years old when oral or enteral nutrition is not possible, insufficient or contraindicated.3

Getting to know Numeta

This video provides a brief overview of the development, production and clinical benefits of Numeta

Learn more about Clinical Nutrition

Doctors talking

Visit the Clinical Nutrition Resource Library to access additional resources

Important safety information

Numeta G 13% E: Gebrauchsinformation - Fachinformation

Numeta G 16% E: Gebrauchsinformation - Fachinformation

Numeta G 19% E: Gebrauchsinformation - Fachinformation